Saturday, January 30, 2010

Geeking Out pt. 2

In 2009 I saw the trailer for Star Trek and completely geeked out over it. This year, I think I've found my next geek-out film. To have the full geek-out experience, shut off the lights, maximize the window and crank up the volume...

I know what some of you may be thinking. Tron is for nerds. It explains how computers work in bad body suits. Sucher noted it could be one of the most depressing/boring films he's ever seen. He has a buddy where their family watches the original Tron every year during the holidays - and I thought my family was odd.

Did I like the first flick? Yes, but I do recall it being rather tiresome. So once again, I look to the future where nerds everywhere can have their old fetishes become cool and us Star Wars fans will just have to grind our teeth down to the bloody nerve. Here is the old light cycle race from the original Tron to provide a sense of how far its come.

Shoot. Now I gotta get one of those red outfits with the crazy hats for Halloween.


Rock Solid said...

This is visually such a better experience.

Fletch said...

My favorite part of the Legacy trailer? The dude's AWESEOME bachelor pad. How sick is that back lit flooring? Tables recessed into the ground with little ramps leading to them?

Let's not forget the spread of opulent food and they guy's sick bling. No shoes? THAT is the future I'm looking foward to.

Daniel said...

Now these are the type of movies I can stomach.

I seriously might have to rent Tron now, just because of its "Mavericky," I'm going to indirectly run you into the wall sort of appeal.

Heck, if memory serves me right, they even had a "I'm gonna hit the brakes and he'll fly right by" moment. Too kool, Walter Kronkite.

(Just don't tell me that's the best two minutes of the whole thing.)

Fletch said...

Sadly, that is the two best minutes of Tron. I take no responsibility for your displeasure in the rest of the movie, although I think its rad.

CCF and JRF said...

I love Tron!

Fletch said...

2 Sans - what is your take on daft punk scoring the film? Perhaps it will be as memorable as Queen and Flash Gordon.