Monday, February 23, 2009


For some reason, the Nuggets have an affinity for getting blown out by elite Eastern Conference foes at home. Especially when I show up to the game. My first outing was to see King James and he killed us 105-88. We were down by nearly 20 the entire game and it was never in question. Then, a Dallas game that was thrilling. I suppose it was a gift from the basketball gods for my daughter's first NBA game, coming down to the last second in a 99-97 win. Tonight I witnessed another complete show of ineptitude. Boston came in without KG and annihilated us 114-76. Toward the end I was practically cheering for a 40-point loss. To top it off, 1/5 of the crowd were Celtic fans who thoroughly enjoyed the game. A friend of mine nearly saw a couple's death match as passions ran high during the game. That was the highlight. Sad.

In three games I've seen a total score of 316 - 263, resulting in a 53 point loss total. Its like the Broncos and the Chargers all over gain. Hit me... OUCH! ... AGAIN! ... can't feel anything [sigh]. I am a homer, but this went beyond the pain of loosing to sheer apathy for me. Perhaps I'll stay at home until my team gets some heart and decides to stop taking the night off when people drop good coin to see them play. How sad.


Anonymous said...

I notice that some people really, really hate 'fairweather' fans of sports teams. But, why? It's pretty boring and disappointing to follow a team when it is losing all the time. During times like that, I just ignore the team until the team improves. And look at people who take one particular team too seriously - they look CRUSHED when their team loses!

It's a lot easier to ignore the bad times, and hop on board when things are looking up. That way, as a fan, you get all of the upside (joy of victory, etc.) without all the downsides.

Why do some people resent 'fairweather fans' for being sensible about sports fandom?

Daniel said...

Wow. This could seriously be the best "apology" for fairweather fans like me I have ever seen.

tablemtn, I SALUTE YOU!

As far as the Nuggets taking a night off, Drew Litton does a devilishly good job of presenting this all-too-common reality (although he might be out of a job now . . .).