Monday, November 08, 2010

The Dog House

I've seen this before, but the Mac Daddy recently brought it to my attention again and I now share it with you.

Perhaps some of you are disappointed that I don't have a bunch of misogynistic things to say about this. I heartily disprove of the idea that buying diamonds should make prior transgressions go away. This leads men to think women are whores that can be bought off at the right price (

Personally, I love the brainwashing voice in the background and the cheese pie joke. Classic. HAPPY SHOPPING SEASON EVERYONE!!!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I love how when I see the main woman on the parole board, I'm reminded of certain politicians.

I think this was the first time I noticed the voice in the background. "Express your feelings."

What's the cheese pie joke all about?

"Thanks for the memories."