5. LOST [Pounding Sound] - Here is what will happen ultimately in this show. Jack and Kate with the help of Ben and Sayid will break into Faraday's Oxford lab and take 3 super-humans who can see dead people, travel through time and dodge bullets back to the island for VENGEANCE. Hey, they did go back to Faraday's lab, the survivors have been traveling through time, dodging bullets, Hurley still sees dead people as do others on multiple occasions, Jake and Sawyer and Sayid take beatings like super-humans. Sayid takes Vengeance on Ben by shooting him. AM I A GENIUS OR WHAT????
There they will use all of the ancient Dharma fortresses to defeat the monster and the evil corporate Mr. Widmore. Many sort-of joined Dharma and now know the stations and will be able to do this in the finals season. Its all set up. WOOOO!!!
John Locke will die in the process while using all his powers granted by the Island. Ben will be killed by his own greed and fall into a pit of Lava like Gollum. John is still dead. Right? Wrong. He is still destined to make the ultimate sacrifice. Ben is still on the path of a Gollum death. [Yessssssss....]
In the aftermath, scientists will go to the island and discover the cure for cancer, the ability to render all atomic bombs useless, and how to time travel back to previous days in a person's life. But the most stunning result will be the key to picking lottery numbers. Once this happens, people will win the lotto so much that it will be closed. As the real source of public school funding, the educational system will collapse, the rising generation will become cannibals; and consequently, not solve global warming and the earth will be flooded by icebergs. Then Kevin Costner's vision of Water World will become a reality. I don't remember how that movie ended (because I shut it off) so you'll have to tell me how it ends. (I'm amazed you read this far....) Considering my prior successes, as outlandish as my "Water World" secnario is, it could still happen. Never fall asleep on NOSTRA-FLETCH-A-DAMUS!!!
In the aftermath, scientists will go to the island and discover the cure for cancer, the ability to render all atomic bombs useless, and how to time travel back to previous days in a person's life. But the most stunning result will be the key to picking lottery numbers. Once this happens, people will win the lotto so much that it will be closed. As the real source of public school funding, the educational system will collapse, the rising generation will become cannibals; and consequently, not solve global warming and the earth will be flooded by icebergs. Then Kevin Costner's vision of Water World will become a reality. I don't remember how that movie ended (because I shut it off) so you'll have to tell me how it ends. (I'm amazed you read this far....) Considering my prior successes, as outlandish as my "Water World" secnario is, it could still happen. Never fall asleep on NOSTRA-FLETCH-A-DAMUS!!!
New Predictions
Jacob has a very old mystery friend that wants to cut his heart out via a loophole. Want to know who he is? THE SMOKE MONSTER. [duh dun dahahahaha!!!]

Of course I'm not the only one with such theories. Here are few links that may be of interest.
Whew! That saved me from a bunch of typing. I don't think these guys are God and the Devil. I predict that Jacob really is the good guy (I know I'm out on a limb here) and Smokey is acting as a defense mechanism that hates Jacob for not protecting the Island from humans. I'm also convinced this is a Stargate-alien Egyptian thing going on. I predict that Jacob and Smokey are aliens that Egyptians believed to be gods. Here is a page about Jacob.
Now one about Smokey.
Man I'm good!!!
Hope you all enjoy waiting FOREVER to see how it all ends [thudding sound].
I'm not going to lie, I didn't read this post and I've never seen a minute of this show.
However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that both were marvelous.
Well done.
Well done Harry! Well Done!
Dude. Once you come out of that self-imposed spartan lifestyle, you are going to rent this series and like it.
OK. Maybe not. But I do appreciate that you are my 1 consistent reader.
We shall see.
How do you know that I'm you're "1 consistent reader"?
What about the consideration that the teeming millions are pouring over our blogs but just refraining from comment?
Maybe they're just lost and don't know how to post a comment.
I doubt that. But I appreciate the vote of confidence.
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