Tuesday, January 01, 2013

EXCALIBUR - The Greatest Christmas Gift... EVER.

Here is the video I made for the presentation of a Royal Gift to Queen Julievere this last Christmas. There are some black screen moments with music. This was intentional to allow time for gathering the present from the tree and the Lizard to shine her green finger light on the blade as it was unsheathed from its box.

Tears were shed. Heads shook in disbelief.

It was a moment to remember. See if you can guess what I gave her.


Rooster said...

errrrr......this might have been worthy of Monty Python... Cause you lost me on the first go around.

Fletch said...

I'll end the suspense and say it was a spatula.


Daniel said...

I was totally expecting a real life, home video clip at the end . . .

I will now be scared with disappointment for life.