Sunday, November 04, 2012

Raising Arizona

I'd like to say I've always been a fan of this Coen Bros flick, but its probably better to say I've re-discovered it. Thanks to Nextflix streaming, after 4 failed starts, I finally finished this crazy movie.

Let me say up front that if you saw this prior to having children and now have some, go back and watch this. The comedy just took on a whole other sad but true ring to it. Lately, my life has been kinda hectic...  Watching the insanity of this movie, I feel like the main theme song has become the daily soundtrack of my life.

Of course, I love white trash humor despite my better half being so desperate to avoid any and all things white trash. I think what I liked the most was the camera work that brought a whole other dimension to the comedy. If you have streaming Netflix, give this one another go and think of me and the Mrs. going crazy. I started singing this song in the bathroom the other day and Brianna started cracking up. The Boss was not amused.


Rooster said...

If you whistle this every time you head to the bano you will own your own your small bladder and be happy about it! It would be very WT of you. haha

Fletch said...

I've always been WT at heart, dreaming of casseroles covered in potato chips and sassy language.

Daniel said...

I feel like I've been sucker punched, again. I expect a full trailer. STAT.

Fletch said...

ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE. You should still check this out though on Net-flakes.