Saturday, October 09, 2010

Punitive Parking

A few days ago I was headed into DIA for a flight and for the first time in my traveling career, I found the economy lot full. I drove around for about 15 mins looking for a space and waited another five in line to get out at the toll booth. I was already beginning worry I'd miss my flight and was in a tense mood. When I finally got to the booth, they dinged me $1.00 for being in the lot for less than 30 mins.

... WHAT?!?...

Toll booth lady said I could file a complaint if I wanted to and likely will. Most sensible parking lot/garages have a reasonable policy that allows for accidental entry or time under 15-30 mins. No such luck here.

You may be thinking this is not a big deal. 1 buck. Get over it. I beg to differ. I've been pumped full of ads from McDonald's Wendy's and Burger King that my dollar is the most powerful amazing thing on the planet! All joking aside, this is not about money, its about getting slapped in the face.

Q: Why are you slapping me in the face?
A: Becuase I can. [Grin]

Although I've previously predicted that Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the anti-christ, I love a statement from him about taxes.

"I am in principle against taxing, because I feel that the people... have been punished enough from the time they get up in the morning and flush the toilet, they are taxed. Then they go and get a coffee, they are taxed. They get into their car, they are taxed. They go to the gas station, they are taxed. They go for lunch and they are taxed and [it] goes on all day long, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax. So even when they go to bed, you can really go into the bed and fear that you may be getting taxed while you are sleeping. There's a sleeping tax. This is crazy."
Don't forget the punitive parking lot fees. I should say this isn't just a rant on taxes. The corporate world is full of fees that are terrible too, especially bank fees. I've already given them all my money to invest somewhere else at a higher return. In return I have a safe place to keep my money and get ATM cards, etc. I thought we had a good relationship. But must I be slapped with extra fees and say "Thank you sir. May I have another?" If DIA is that hard up for cash, they should find a legit way to provide better service that merits higher revenue, rather than annoying the daylights out of travelers.


Warren Buffet said...

Excuse me, Mr. The Fletch Word, we actually need to tax rich people more, and since you're complaining about taxes, you're obviously one of them.

I'm tired of hearing rich people complain about how much they get taxed. Heck, I pay a lower tax rate than the cleaning lady in my office.

It's time for us wealthy robber-barons to accept it's only fair that lowly people get to take our money because they have far less than we do. It's time for the poor people of Iraq and Afghanistan (who got the short end of the stick) to join in on the cornucopia of prosperity that we plutocrats take for granted.

Oh, and quit your whining about the $1 ticket, sheesh. I get regulated more heavily than a nuclear power plant in Sweden, and do you hear me complaining? Darn it, even the red blooded people of Nebraska would refuse to listen to your sniveling. Bite down on a stick for the ticket, and start paying your fair share of taxes: lowly people deserve it.

Fletch said...

Warren, put a cork in it. You have a limmo that takes you to the airport. I'd bet you have never even dealt with the struggles of the econo lot. Due to your fabulous wealth, I demand you live my life for 10 years before passing any judgement.