Friday, September 17, 2010

The Sting Part 1

Everything in this post and the subsequent ones are true. I know many of you don't believe half of what comes out of my mouth but in this case I must apply the old adage, Sad but True. So onto the tale.

In an unfortunate way, Morons make the world go round. They allow thieves and liars to take advantage of them so they have "a job" and in this case, I helped the world go round. Sensing it was time to divest myself of the beautiful Lexus I was driving on a lease, I made an attempt to sell it on Craig's List. I was shortly contacted by a guy who wanted to set me up in a sub-lease situation. Seemed like a win-win for all. They would take over my lease and I'd walk away. The contract looked like it protected me and I was confident if anything went south, I'd be able to pursue justice. Once again, I am a MORON. Just because a legal contract exists and is executed, doesn't guaranty you'll be able to enforce it without great costs that may outweigh the benefits.

The day I dropped it off I had a pit in my stomach. I figured I was just on edge because I'd never done anything like this before. Oprah says to trust you gut. I should have listened to Oprah and got the heck out of there. But as a MORON, I went through with it and said good bye [Adagio for Strings playing in the background]. Looking back on it now, I feel like a father who sold his child into slavery. I know its just an inanimate object, but I talk to the cars I drive, name them and I'm ashamed of what I did.

Here is a modified quote from Burton Howard on matters of cars and keeping them safe from slavery,
If you want something to last forever (or until the end of the lease), you treat it differently... You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You don't expose it to the elements. You don't make it common or ordinary... It becomes special because you have made it so, and it grows more valuable and precious as time goes by. 
Alright enough self-loathing. At first things seemed fine. Payments were made, some tickets and tolls popped up, but nothing too unsettling. The guy who set up the contract between me and the driver kept promising they would assume the lease outright, but nothing ever happened. Then in November 09, the payment was late. It happened again in January, February and March. I started calling the agent multiple times per month with no improvement.

At this point the Boss got involved. If I have a weakness, it is for the Boss. The old dueling challenge of "I DEMAND SATISFACTION" is an understatement when it comes to customer service with her. Normally, I will pounce like a maniac when she is unhappy and slaughter all who oppose her. But my inner-tiger was unwilling and soon she was making phone calls. Needless to say, I demoted to "total wuss" status in her fiery eyes. But in the oppressive heat of August after a partial payment in July and nothing on the books for that month, my sweaty angst reached a peak and I could take no more. I demanded SATISFACTION!!! (and the car back). Now things get interesting.

I met the agent at McDonald's and gave him my last link to the car, my remaining key fab. He had it for a week and failed to get the car. Kept saying he was too busy with his son. Don't bring your kids into it. Man that ticked me off. So I demanded the key back and said I'd go get it. During the course of the late payments, I began to research who the driver was, where they lived, worked etc. in case this day came. The agent was such a tool that he didn't eve know her address, he just "knew" where she lived. I had to find her on white pages, run a background check (to be sure there was no history of violence) and that helped me find a myspace page and confirm where I thought she lived. It was time to take justice in my hands. With the Boss at my side and key fab in hand we ventured into a pseudo date night fraught with the anticipation of SATISFACTION!!!

To be continued....


Daniel said...

Whoa, I'm on pins and needles!

When can I expect to see the continuation?

ReyMisterioso said...

CA took the words out of my mouth. Being as I advised all due caution with this arrangement and the repo man angle here I demand satisfaction.