Friday, September 03, 2010

Shoot the Mockingjay

85. That's what I had to make it through. 85 pages of sheer teenage female angst and whining before this book becomes palpable. I nearly quit reading after chapter 6. But the Rooster encouraged me to keep reading and the second half of the book was good, but I can't get the bad aftertaste of the first half out of my mouth.

Hasn't the world had enough of the incessant whining of Bella Swan and her impossibly wonderful love triangle? For me, the appeal of the Hunger Games is... Hunger Games and the rebellion. Not the force fed Pita-Catnip-Gale love triangle. In the history of love triangles have two dudes ever had worse names? Every Gale I've ever known wears skirts and this guy is supposed to be a ruthless rebel leader? And a baker's son named after a type of bread. If only Katniss was named Fletcher (arrow maker) I could forgive all of the whining. 

I'm done with teen angst books: "My life is so unique and complicated! No one understands me. Why am I so boy crazy? I am not boy crazy. Why can't everyone leave me alone? How come I've been left alone? I want to die. I want to live." SHOOT ME!!!

For a moment at the end I thought Collins would one-up J.K. Rowling and actually kill her title character but that would be absurd for "Young Adult Fiction" filled with peda-gladiatorial slaughter, torture and warfare. I must admit that would have pleased me immensely. 

So go ahead and finish or start the trilogy. Just remember 85. Trust me, you won't miss hardly anything.


Daniel said...

Sounds like you've been suffering with some teen angst novels.

Dr. Laura said...

Honey. You just spent several paragraphs whining about whining! Now, be a man and accept the consequences of your actions. Life isn't fair you white-trash low life.

Daniel said...

Is this the same Dr. Laura who resigned after the tirade over her N-word usage?

(I'm assuming that's why there's the white-trash epithet.)

Red Neck Man said...

How dare yall insult Dr. Laura! She was ready to move onto other work.

Collette Jeffs said...

Back to the book. I too was so bored the first half of the book, and I didn't realize why until I read your blog. But my beef is with the second half of the book too. Why did half the characters get killed. I guess it can't be all peaches and cream, but this was some pretty crude stuff. For young adults and adults alike I guess it works, but I caught a 4th grader reading the second hunger games book and I told him to make sure his mom or dad reads the third before he starts it and gives him the okay.
I guess it is true that people die in the Harry Potter books as well, but at least the end is somewhat fulfilling though. I shouldn't say more. Read it for yourself anyone who reads this and then you can decide.

Fletch said...

CJ - good point. I'd say these books make HP actually look like they were written for kids. This stuff is more gruesome that the Running Man, which happened to be penned by Stephen King.

Daniel said...

Come now, RNM, I was saying that other people were outraged.

Stephen King wrote the Running Man? Was that his Jim Carrey, turning a new leaf experience?