Friday, April 03, 2009

The Meaning of Life

Welcome to the Hotel California. This phrase from an Eagles song evokes thoughts of the desert, a classic melody and unusual lyrics. But I’ve never caught the warm smell of Colitas rising up through the air. And why can’t that guy ever leave the hotel? Is this song about drug use, prostitutes, greed/wealth or all the above? With Tommy Boy I say, ‘What kind of hotel is this??”

My answer: I don’t know. I enjoy the song and each time the lyrics mean something a bit different to me (when I actually think about them). Is there a modern lyrical mystery on par with the Hotel California? I think there is and it contains the phrase, “But that was when I ruled the world.”

In a prior post I reviewed Coldplay’s Viva la Vida album and mentioned I would make no attempt to break down the lyrics. Now that speculation has matured, I think its time to give my take.

The song appears to be the thoughts of a fallen dictator or ruler. The question is - who is the subject of the lyrics? Coldplay offers no official interpretation, likely because to do so would ruin the song and make it politics rather than art. Here are some of my favorite answers from various blogs and discussion threads.

Napoleon Bonaparte
Julius Caesar
Jesus Christ (see the answer in the first link below - I'm not being disrespectful)
Barry Bonds
Dick Cheney

Here are links discussing these ideas.

I think the question of exactly who is off course. This song appears to be about ideas rather than one person. Nearly every self-improvement book or speaker I’ve ever heard centers around control, particularly self-control. We hold the idea of being in control of our lives as a high ideal, only achieved by the greatest of humanity. Each of us would like to rule the world, at least our own sphere of influence.

“Never an honest word, but that was when I ruled the world…” If we think we control our own sphere of life we are lying to ourselves. Sure we always have our will to choose our actions and reactions, but no one has ever successfully controlled everyone one and everything around them. Perhaps the secret of achieving Viva la Vida – the joy of life lies in giving up the illusion or dream of control. Enjoy the journey and its bumps.

Despite the regretful meaning of the lyrics, the song is upbeat and playful. I see this as the soul of the dictator or control freak that realized life is for living and to enjoy the moments. I don’t mean we should give up discipline, goals or hard work, but rather enjoy the journey and each moment in it. A wise Apostle, Elder Wirthlin recently said “Come what may and love it.” Perhaps we need to quit obsessing over every little thing that isn't essential. The Lord himself said, "Their heart are set so much upon the things of this world... Hence many are called, but few are chosen."

So on my 38th birthday [wink], I'll wish for the joy of the Watermelons (Frida's painting) to overpower my life and I'll enjoy the journey, rather than obsess controling things I cannot control. Ciao baby.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Nice commentary Jean Pierre; very insightful.

But you got one thing wrong, the dictator has to be BUSH!!

WHO else has brought so much wrong to this world?

WHO else once thought he ruled the roost?

WHO else now enjoys the comfort of his redneck, backwoods home? (In context, of course.)

That's right!

This is why Emperor, er, President Obama is going to throw off the chains of capitalism and the greedy hoarding of resources which bind us and bring us to new light, hope, freedom, and understanding through communal unity and oneness!