Monday, September 01, 2008

Strongbadia & Some RAD Videos

I owe the real-life Harry Potter many thanks for introducing me to the world of Strong Bad. He is a crazy macho Luchadore that answers emails with comedy sketches - yep, right up my alley! To give you a taste, here is a clip of techno music. As a former creator of techno music, I was particularly moved:

I totally reccomend nightlife as well on his site. If you'd like to go see more of Strong Bad, here is the link:

Next, here is an AWESOME video from Music & Lyrics (old post in Feb 2007) that mocks all 8os pop music videos.

OK, I admit it, I finally leared how to embed a video to the blog. Hope you had as much fun as I did.


Jay said...

Yeah, Strongbad. I remember watching homestarrunner vids like 8 years ago. He was the bomb back then and it looks like he still is.

Good job embedding vids. :P

Daniel said...

You've taken your first step into a larger world.
