Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just Another Move

I answered the call to help someone move furniture this evening. It seemed normal enough, until I got the back story on it. (Dan - you'll love this since you may be able to tell who told me this story).

We were helping a young lady move in with her mom. Why? Her husband had gone to jail for some scam and she divorced him. Once he got out of jail, they got back together. But this time, he ran a new scam and racked up $750,000 in illegial credit card debt doing shady stuff. To top it off, this guy is some sort of expert on Samurai swords and apparently stole 2 from the National Museum in D.C. that had been given to some U.S. general. The dude took them to San Francisco and sold them. He just got a work visa to Britan and informed his now ex-wife he will not be returning. Hence, the need for this unfortunate move.

We whispered like little school girls about it during the move. I've never had so much fun.

Question - HOW DID THAT GUY GET A VISA??? - You go Big Brother.

I found this artice on the web that kinda/sorta substatiates the story.


Its a weak source, but still good for some grins. Apparently this guy also was involved with some papers about Hilter as well. Go figure.

What's the moral? When you get involved and help people, you get the best entertaiment available. Crazy people!


Anonymous said...

Do you think its appropirate to mock people you are helping? Sick people like you should stay home and watch foreign films.

Fletch said...

I've watched a few. Most recently, I watched the Umbrellas of something, a French flick where they sing every single word and the two main characters don't end up together. How sad.

Daniel said...

Jene Lang, that "anonymous" comment better not have been yours . . . you've hoodwinked me one time too many.

But yes, I'm pretty sure I know whom you're talking about. If so, this guy is like the ultimate ponzi!