Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pirates of Mount Doom

2 Hours. 31 Minutes. Yep.
This felt like a long movie.
As they say, you judge a performance by the seat of your pants and my butt was bleedin!
The action was very good, the music was strong, the performances were great, it all just seemed too much. Lots of effects, etc. But the story was weak. I loved the whole escape from the cannibal tribe sequence, but it was completely unnecessary. Perhaps had they cut that, I'd have liked the film more. And what's with all of the LOTR moments? Heck I thought they had gone to Mount Doom for a moment at the beginning of the movie. I felt like there was several moments where ol Peter Jackson took over.

But let's get on the real juice. Lizzie fell for the bad boy!!! WHY??? Doesn't spicy, squash-buckling Orlando Bloom fill her canteen of love? What's so enchanting about some swarthy, dread-lock havin, mascara wearin white guy? "the rewards of doing good" ???? Shoot. I guess if chicks like that served it up to every grease-ball out there, we'd have a 0% crime rate. Bottom line: its a love triangle for the sake of a love triangle. --And why didn't Legolas beat her upside the head for necking with the source of all their problems? We're at sea!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This move was awesome! I can't belive you didn't like it. Very supprised.