Sunday, May 03, 2015

Minimalist Mormon Housewives - STRIKE BACK

It must be something about the lusty month of May and Spring Cleaning that gets the minimalist drive going in The Boss. Two years ago, I posted about the burgeoning phenomena in my life known as Minimalist Mormon Housewives. Now this trend is back... WITH A VENGANCE.

Somewhere in the Ether that is THE WOMEN'S CIRCLE it was determined that closets bursting to the seams are of the devil. Why can't we just have a renaissance view that a little extra (clothes or junk in the truck) is a sign of prosperity and should be enjoyed? Google "minimize clothing" and you'll see a tsunami of minimalism coming for your closet.

Thanks to this trend, I have now divested 50% of all my clothes. Not kidding. I'll admit I do feel better. I feel one step closer to that ultimate living space I've fantasized about ala Flynn's pad in Tron Legacy.

This all sounds good, but I'm worried about the future. We somehow accumulated all those clothes and shopping is like a competitive sport for my better half. Have we just removed all of the older stuff so we can buy newer stuff? Time will tell, but I'm hopeful. Just remember:



Daniel said...

Yes. I give an amen to minimalism and the reminder spending money is not saving money.

As always, I love the Picard memes. Make it so, #1, and keep it coming.

m.fletch said...