Monday, September 01, 2014

Labor Day Should Celebrate Women in Labor

Most of us know Labor Day was started over a bloody dispute between the government and workers and created to appease unions. Now families enjoy a final day of relaxation at the "end" of the summer and the wearing of white is no longer permitted. We celebrate work by not working.

I'm all for a day off, but this really is stupid. Can we at least take the day off to remember and honor something worth 50% of the economy shutting down? Instead of union disputes and government hand-outs, I say we change the subject of Labor Day to honoring women who have labored to give birth.

We have Memorial Day to remember men who fought and died to give us life and freedom, why not the women who suffered incredible pain and even sometimes death to do the same? The scriptures and doctrine are replete with the symbolism of childbirth and the atonement. Why are we not celebrating this essential and universal moment to the human family? Check these out if you have not thought about it much.

I'm sure someone will object to changing the holiday on several grounds. I give them below and my answers.

  • Many women today have drugs, epidurals or c-sections and don't "really" labor and should not be honored. 
    • Really? They are still taking the risks and most still endure significant pain before epidurals or c-sections commence. I dare any of you with this objection to throw it in the face of another woman. I'm sure there would be no sane men raising this objection, just self-righteous women. 
  • This seems like Pagan Goddess worship. 
    • No, if anything this holiday would be objected on too many Christian references, but I'm sure most other religions and traditions can appreciate women suffering to bear children. 
  • How can we celebrate something that is a painful and private situation? 
    • We celebrate Jesus sacrificing for us on Easter with a rabbit distributing dyed eggs and chocolates. I think we can still BBQ and say thank you Mom. 
  • But we already have Mother's Day!??
    • Yes. That is where we remember all the work they do the rest of our lives raising us and loving us. Can we really try to put a limit on our gratitude? We should remember this singular moment. 
Of course, this is just an out-dated BLOG but I'm telling it the way it should be. Some clear day, the true meaning of Labor Day will be well known, celebrated, cherished and honored. I now thank my Mother for her sacrifices for me and my wife for her sacrifices on behalf of our children. I will always remember what you have done and love you for it. 

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