Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fantasy Reverse Psychology

For once, I visited my fantasy football account after drafting to get rid of the living injury known as RG-III. I started reorganizing looking for players on my bench with stronger points and suddenly wound up with this roster: 

I defy the universe to let me win in fantasy football when I NEVER do. 

Time to get some reverse psychology to work for me...


Daniel said...

Is there an auto-picker tool for fantasy, like there is for the pick'em league?

Fletch said...

There is an auto draft tool for the beginning of the season which I used. I don't have the time to research all the players and then have my mock draft ready to go. That's how I got such a Seattle heavy team. Never would have happened with me making the picks.

But you can't get any automation from week to week. So you have to be careful to switch out guys on bye weeks, injuries, etc. That's half the secret to winning.

Daniel said...

Who are these sick people? Auto-pick for drafting only? It's like giving out free $3 salad and then making patrons pay 100% for the $30 steak.

Fletch said...

Reverse psychology is a load of BULL!