Sunday, September 09, 2012

Mormon Piano Moment

This morning I stumbled across the following video and finally put it together that a piano artist I really enjoy on Pandora is behind this music and has an LDS background. I highly recommend his arrangements of the Hymns. But for those of you that loved LOST, this should be enjoyable. If you haven't seen Lost, not a big deal either, I recommend checking out the YouTube page where Paul Cardall tells the story of how his heart transplant and his brother's death inspired this arrangement of Life and Death.

Next up are the Piano Guys, who shoot some great videos, notably Cello wars. Why a group that features an ego-maniac on the Cello is called Piano guys is beyond me. My mother was listening to this song and I instantly recognized the "BOURNE" rhythm. Enjoy.



Rock Solid said...

I love the life and death piece. I miss lost. I loved that series/show. I was so sad when it ended. That music is so moving.

Unknown said...

I love Paul Cardall's stuff on Pandora. Thanks for sharing to two clips.

Fletch said...

In light of just having submitted all of the old 8mm films to go to DVD and this guys story about the film of his brother on the day he came home from the hospital struck a nerve with me. Regardless, its a fantastic song.

Daniel said...

Salad. I'm looking forward to completing our training.