Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Deep or Painful?

I want your vote on the following clip. Is it deep and inightful or just painfully depressing?

Often I feel like I'm the Tree and the boy is Corporate America. It will kill me and I will be happy.

This video also reminds me of my mother who literally would cut her arms off for me and be happy about it. Love you mom.


Daniel said...

Hmm, I'm struggling to decide whether I think it's a ploy to get people to love trees more. If that's the case, than I'm mainly annoyed.

On the other hand, if the story is a metaphor for our loved ones who give us so much and whom we simply abuse and take advantage of, then I'm deeply depressed.

Fletch said...

I find several meanings in this story.

I think the primary idea is to show kids that while its fun to play and get gifts from people we love, it is in giving rather than taking that we find happiness. The boy is never satisifed no matter how much he takes and the tree is happy in giving, even to the end.

In fairness, I'd be upset if my kids decided it was a good idea to let people abuse and use them and feel happy about it. That's just wrong and leads to very unhealthy relationships. I had my girls watch it and they were smart enough to get the message about giving, but both said "I would never cut my arm off for someone else so they could build a house."

Daniel said...

Nice. I'll take Shell Silverstein over Barbie.

I love the quote.

Trust the F-Word to indoctrinate his offspring with such videos. :)