Thursday, March 17, 2011

Award Acceptance - 7 Things

I just got my first ever award for blogging. (Stop laughing). In order to receive the award I must share 7 things about myself... that may not be true. Or are they?
  1. I can speak better than butter without margarine. See: Psalms 55:21
  2. My 7th Grade science teacher claimed we had Kip Winger's desk encased in glass in the basement of the school.
  3. I've released two techno albums under the group known as Biscuits n Gravy.
  4. Twice I have received thongs as gifts.
  5. My teachers used to think I was disturbed because I'd doodle people with swords stuck in their mouths on my homework.
  6. I've nearly been shot for carrying an Uzi with a ski mask on.
  7. My first car accident was caused by a goose on a dirt road.
Yep, my horcrux now contains a bunch of seriously lame things about myself. However, I want an authentic horcrux, not one of those "I'm so cool" ones that gets stuck inside of my mortal enemy and betrays my every waking thought to this pathetic teenager who can't stop whining or comb his hair.

Did I mention "7" is the perfect magical number?

MWHAAHAHAHahahahaah... ah-ha.


Daniel said...

I like the statue connection to #4. Remind me again which two people gave you the thongs.

#5. I remember the sword mouths. Good times.

#6. I remember hearing about the Uzi tale. Where's the video?

#7. I seem to remember mom having a very hard time believing your "goose" story. Did she ever come around?

How did you learn about your first-ever award, and who gave it?

Fletch said...

I don't have access to the Uzi video, and sure it no longer exists.

The goose is for real. Iron Mike Carrington said as much in front of the judge in court. I can still feel the burning shame licking up against my cheeks.

Fletch said...

I was nominated by a professional baker for the award. See the first comment to the post before this one.

wylie said...

Hahahaha! You are truly a hoot! Kip Winger!