Friday, January 14, 2011

Colorado Oddities

Here are my 3 favorite mispronounced names of places in Colorado:
  1. The state itself, Colorado - Local say the ending like "rad-o" where some high-brow say "rah-do." It goes a long way to making one feel like a real cowboy.
  2. Estes Park - I've heard some poor soul (who shall remain nameless) say it like "est-ies"
  3. Arvada - Placing a "duh" sound at the end of this offers hours of amusement.
If you have any others, I welcome your input.

Finally, I want everyone to know that Aurora CO used to be known as FLETCHER.
"It originated in the 1880s, as the town Fletcher, taking its name from Denver businessman Donald Fletcher who saw it as a real estate opportunity. He and his partners staked out four square miles east of Denver, but the town - and Colorado - struggled mightily after the Silver Crash of 1893. At that point Fletcher skipped town, leaving the community with a huge water debt. Inhabitants decided to rename their township Aurora in 1907, and it slowly began to grow in Denver’s shadow becoming the fastest growing city in the United States during the late 1970s and early 1980s.",_Colorado


Daniel said...

Love it. I'll avoid asking who #2 is.

How about how many people pronounce Lima as by Lie-muh, rather than Lee-mah? Or, my favorite, specifically explained on the concessions board in a local gas station/eatery: Arriba, pronounced air-uh-buh, rather than ah-ree-bah. Good times.

Regarding Aurora, I'm glad to see the city was renamed, after that low-life skipped town . . .

Fletch said...

As a fletcher, I approve.