Thursday, December 23, 2010

If I were a Communist Singer

Guaranteed happiness if you sing along with me:

Perhaps this video alone demonstrates why we won the Cold War. I'm forbidden to embed this, but it is truly worth your while Comrade. Its a Seinfeld espisde about Santa becoming a Communist. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Thank you Seinfeld. And thank you gentle reader for supporting my Horcrux as it reaches 200 Posts!!


Megan Dougherty said...

The poor people of Russia! I bet this was a number one hit. No propaganda worries against the government with this one. Where and how did you find this?

Daniel said...

For the singer, I'm unsure which I enjoy more: the singing and facial expressions or the hair and outfit. I also enjoyed the knowing guffaws.

Thanks for the Seinfeld clip. I often enjoy a little taste of Michael Richards mania.

What prompted this communism trip, anyway?