Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The M Word

Until the retired Rugby star, John Blaser got his career started in the wide world of appraisaling, MOIST was a word that only meant good cake - Seriously. Is there anything worse than a dry cake??? And on the other side of the coin, nothing is quite as delicious as a moist cake, especially yellow with partially hydrogenated chocolate frosting... Soooo goooood. And let's not forget the tall glass of ice-cold milk. I'm satisfied that most guys think of cake or food when the hear the dreaded M-word.

But this innocence was not meant to last. One fateful day at the office, I dropped the M-bomb in Mr. Blaser's presence and he informed me that I had just spoken one of the vilest words in the English language. Most heinous to women above all else. Shocked and happily amused, I began to apply the word to almost anything, anytime, always getting a twisted chuckle out of it.

The other day, I saw the pinnacle of corruption with this word on the show, How I Met Your Mother. Go figure this was the first and only episode I've ever seen. One of the characters, played by the now grown Doogie Howser, decided to perform a one-man off-off-off-off-off Broadway show just to spite his friends, especially one female in particular. The show starts, and he comes out in black jeans and a black turtle neck (of course), puts a leg up on a chair and begins repeating the word, "Moist...Moist...Mmmoooist, Moist..." Needless to say I was in tears at this point. The show says this takes place for 20 minutes. Many women would beg for the electric chair before the end.

So what's the big deal? I'm not sure, but this word never ceases to crack me up. I assure you, I'm not thinking dirty thoughts when I say it, I'm just getting a kick out of watching people squirm. But if you must know more, here is a link discussing the phenomenon of the M-word.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and ill say it are wacked.(no other definitions regarding this word ..please) lol