Sunday, January 03, 2016

Nostalgia & The Prequels

I'm still basking in my Force Awakens afterglow, and all these good vibes got me thinking about my favorite moments in the franchise. But before I get into stuff from the original trilogy (IV-VI), I must share with posterity my top 5 moments or amusing junk from these films (yes, I acknowledge they exist).

5. I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!!! Obi-Wan is the undisputed master of this realm. In the Phantom Menace, the completely breaks this rule by jumping over Darth Maul and cutting him in half. Later he continues this winning streak against "the chosen one" by defending the high ground.

4. Death Sticks - Really? Creativity in names reaching an all-time low, but hilarious nonetheless!

3. Sith Seduction - With no help at all from Hayden Christensen, McDiarmid managed to make his corruption and seduction of Anakin captivating at the bubble show and in front of his awesome sith mural. 

2. Well Hello There! - Once again Obi Wan delivers with a full on Force directed surge of BOLDNESS. 

Say what you will, this was an awesome fight scene. Took me totally off guard the first time I saw it.

1. DARTH MAUL - The fight with Qui Gon and Obi Wan is easily my favorite moment from the prequels. The music, robe throw-down, the choreography, double bladed lightsaber, zen meditation, caged prowling, death and righteous indignation. I still get pumped when I watch this fight scene. Now if only they could have kept Lord Maul around...

 And that prowl is what I did for many more years to come, waiting for the Force Awakens. 

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I appreciate the candid admission.

Looking at the Obi-Wan flip-over-the-top-high-ground-rule-break repeaing loop, I'm a little confused why Maul was so stationary. I guess we could say he was stunned motionless. I agree that 2-1 fight scene was pretty awesome.

May George relish his less-loved and bygone trio, while he rails against the "retro" future of his ex-wife.