Saturday, November 30, 2013

Getting My A$%# Handed to Me

Last night the Lizard and I threw down on Black Friday shopping and decided to play some Nintendo Land when we got home. This game has a mode where you can go head to head or have a group competition over a bunch of mini-games. It really is quite fun... until you kid absolutely takes you to the woodshed.

Yep. My girl now owns me at video games. Normally I hear of young men that secretly cry or feel bad after beating their dad in one-on-one basketball or chess. I guess little girls missed that memo. Slammed my face into the floor and mopped it. I got every insult Mordecai and Rigby ever came up with.

Truth be told, I wasn't even that upset. Heck, I might play for 30 mins a month vs. this kid who is playing on a regular basis and has Gen Y powers. And that's what makes this a true end of an era in my life. I suck and I don't care. I've moved on from being good at something younger people tend to do.

I'm officially OLD.


Daniel said...

Good times. My condolences.

By the way, what was your take on the Nintendo Wii U? Will you guys be staying Nintendo true or consider branching into the hardcore gaming platforms (Xbox/PS)?

Unknown said...

I hope so because I did whop him and I hoped he learned a lesson!

Unknown said...

I hope so because I did whop him and I hoped he learned a lesson!