Friday, May 11, 2012

Chicken Poo

For nearly a week (and probably longer) the Boss and I have been playing a game of chicken... with POO.

In our closet, there is a spot where NACHO the "pig cat" likes to hang out. But not anymore. For a few days, I thought something in his usual space was a toy, but about 5 days ago, I realized it was his feces. 

So what now? Obviously she knows its there. She must know I know its there. I and I know that she knows that I know and she is expecting that I know I should pick it up. 

But I want to see how long this can go on. Who will pick it up first and then blow up at the other? To be continued...


Fletch said...

Yesterday the Boss stormed out of the closet disgusted by the chicken poo and feigned surprise at its presence. Of course I was then ruthlessly interrogated over how long I'd know it was there and why I had not cleaned it. story about playing chicken poo did not go over well and the lacerations should heal soon.

Daniel said...

Ah, the multiple dangers of feces. I hope the mess has been cleaned up, in all its forms.