Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Plastic Cookies?

What comes but once a year and cannot be bought at a store? What non perishable food never lasts longer than 24 hours?

Precious Girl Scout Cookies.

In honor of these saturated wafers of unholy goodness, I now present my top 5 GSC's.

     5. Lemonades - Almost lemon barish, but not quite
     4. Trefoils - I must be getting old...
     3. Samoas - Yes, the name takes me to a tropical place with coconuts rich in fat
     2. Tagalongs - Cookie, chocolate and peanut butter. Almost as much of a winner as Star Wars in 77.
     1. Thin Mints - These will go on a future list of foods I am convinced are laced with Heroin.

At nearly 63% saturated fat, these babies could survive in my apocalyptic nightmare cannibal gang survival kit for nearly 20 years.  And who says plastics foods are bad? Even the cannibal gang members will be eating them before they eat me.


Jay said...

I was always on the band wagon of Thin Mint Lovers until last year. I bought a box of Thin Mints (for like 5 bucks), and immediately went to Wal-Mart to buy a package of Grasshopper Cookies. I ate them together and, sorry to say, the Grasshopper cookies were FAR (and I mean F-A-R) better than the thin mints. Those that were with me (about 5 others) also agreed without hesitation.

Plus, they're half the price.

In addition, Keebler now also sells their version of the coconut cookies. As I remember it, the Samoans were better in that taste test.

Daniel said...

I appreciate the free market review from above.

I enjoyed the images. +1

Come to think of it, most of those cookies have something like 200% of a daily fat intake, right?

Too aggressive cleansing, eh . . .