Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Better Marriage Blanket

While I'm on the kick of AWESOME commercials, check this out.

"The same type of fabric used by the military to protect against chemical weapons." - AWESOME. Guess what the boss is going to get me for Christmas? Much less humiliating than that blasted nose hair trimmer - which I have never used.

But wait! - I'm not so sure this blanket is a marriage saver. It might even be a marriage destroyer. If I were a cruel husband, I could see this blanket being used as a WMD when the "covered wagons" come to town unexpectedly. (MWHAHAHAHAH!)

This begs the question, how long would I have to sleep on the couch if I employed this special blanket in a prank? Is it even forgivable? I previously posted on an article that said crimes of betrayal in the marraige bed are essentailly unforgivable. I think going covered wagons with this blanket qualifies. So women, consider the consequences before you rush out to the store to buy one of these for the man you unfortunately sleep next to.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Batman, I still keep asking myself where you get these wonderful toys!

Hey, I'll take the nose hair trimmer off your hands, if you prefer to avoid it. How much do you want for it?

Too bad you expressed concerns about the blanket as a gift idea, I think many of us would have considered it (for you, I mean).

Regarding the "covered wagons," this is, of course, all hypothetical, what we're discussing, Tom, isn't it? All academic.

At any rate, I certainly hope you keep your WMDs in your horcrux, rather than underneath the covers! I understand that sort of thing (a covered wagon) is an unforgivable curse.