Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Guys Strike Back

Over the last year my fellow brethren and I have stayed home while our wives enjoyed "girls night out." Since SIWK men usually get to interact with grown ups during the day, act like captains of industry, and find deep meaning in our structured capitalist/slave driven lives; we don't seem to be deserving of time out of the home with no strings attached. To make things worse, guy's night out can imply, booze, women, gambling and fighting (all taboo), so the mere activity is suspicious causing it to take a back seat to girl's night out on morals alone. Because let's face it, a bunch of 30 something desperate housewives would never get into trouble.

To be perfectly honest, I love the fact my wife gets out with her friends on a consistent basis. When momma is happy, I'm happy. Heck, I practically demand she goes out. But sometimes a SIWK's gotta fight for equal rights. On April 3rd 2010, at Outback Steakhouse, surrounded by man-food, plans were hatched to rally the troops to guy's night out.

The first outing was at Brunswick for some bowling. First thing I noticed? The music was loud. Yep. You know you're getting old when you find the music at the bowling alley to be too loud. Our crazy beverages? Lemonade and tonic water with lime (quite tasty). No booze, no women , no gambling on the scores and no fighting (despite 1 tush swat). But there were lots of laughs and a few strikes along the way. Hopefully the tradition will continue.

Date Night - Just caught this flick with the Boss on our own date night. It was even better than I expected. I'm a big fan of the Office and 30 Rock so a movie with Steve Carell and Tina Fey was right up my alley. Both were hilarious. Mark Whalberg was hysterical as the shirtless wonder. The married humor was sharp and dead on in so many cases. An instant classic.

The Marriage Ref - Seinfeld put together a show where couples have their marital problems solved by a panel of guest celebrities and a cheese ball? Seriously? Alec Baldwin, the marriage counselor? This must be a sign the apocalypse is near. Why is there a show asking people with the collective worst relationship track record on the plant for marital advice? I did watch an entire episode, so I'm not just judging off of previews; and the host nearly made me gag on his aspartame infused cheese. I guess things really are that bad at NBC - they'd better not mess with The Office or 30 Rock or I'm done.


Daniel said...

Glad to hear the SIWK's aren't going down without a fight.

I feel you on the music being too loud, thing. My favorite is the teenagers/early twenties who think they're hard core when they drive around with their windows blasting who-cares-what. Well, I've got a news flash for you, Walter Cronkite, you ARE-NT.

I'll have to put the movie and show on the list of accumulating evidence that I'm more detached from pop culture than an 80-year-old man flying a zeppelin in South America.

CCF and JRF said...

My mother says the 50's housewife term for your guys night out is called a"kitchen pass". I use to always ask my friend if he could get one for a guys night out. It became frequently used. I would get a call and a giddy voice on the other end would ask if I wanted to grab drinks because he got a "Kitchen Pass" for the night. Or I would extend and invite he would ask and tell me he couldn't get a Kitchen Pass for that night.

If you think Alec is bad for Marriage advice... I was more shocked by Madonna being on there. I cant imagine she has the right advice for anyone on relationships!