Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday, Lovely Sunday

I'm going to state something each of you intrinsically knows deep down... with every fiber of your being - The Best Meal of the Week happens after Church. Why? Here are some possible reasons:

  • Your brain associates the end of church with breaking a fast and therefore you have a "Pavlovian" need to consume food, which always tastes better after a period of abstinence.
  • We rush so much to get to church that we don't have a proper meal before leaving, making us famished during the 3rd hour.
  • After feasting spiritually, our physical stomachs throw a tantrum for being left out.
  • It is a special time to reconnect with our instinctive roots to hunt and gather, scavenge and use our cunning to acquire food before others do, thus ensuring our survival.
  • Leftovers Rock!!
  • Ravenous eating ensures a stellar nap afterward.
Unfortunately, my last reason also brings me to a lament. - "OH THAT CHURCH COULD ALWAYS START AT 10:00 AM!! THEN WOULD MY STOMACH AND MY NAPS BE AT EASE!!"

Some of you might be thinking you love church in the afternoon because it means you get to sleep in. If you are thinking that, I hope you enjoy not having small children. Adorable as they are, they vaporize the very thought of sleeping in. So naturally, my catching up has to be done via naps. But naps aren't the only reason I loathe "the start time" of afternoon church. Here are a few more.

  • The post church feeding frenzy is dampened due to the fact a real meal will likely be ready in 1 hour. This causes wifemom to yell at you for only doing what is RIGHT and NATURAL after church!!
  • 1-4 PM is natural nap time for infants and toddlers who take revenge on all with ears to hear when their schedule is thrown off.
  • Home teaching at 10:00 AM is not as cool as 4:00 PM. End of story.
  • The ward before you messes up all of the chairs.
  • The day or WEEKEND is pretty much over when you get home. Tears.
So today I rejoice in my 9:00 AM start time, for the last time this year until 2011 when I shall once again know the beauty of Sunday, Lovely Sunday.


Jay said...

I fully agree on the start of church time thing. We just finished the 9am thing this year and next week go to 1pm. NNNOOOOOOOO!

Daniel said...

Amen on the food, interesting thoughts.

Sadly enough, I also hear you on the start of church. 9 seems a touch too early and almost always destroys any true breakfast; 11 runs right through lunch; and 1 feels too late and is, as you mention, just a tad too far from real dinner.

[A]nd above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.

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