Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dear John

Many moons ago, I vented all of my anger about Brett Favre's return to football. I stand by everything I said last time: However this time something is missing. John Madden.

Yes, Mr. Madden had perhaps the greatest man crush of all time on Favre. I think it is only appropriate that he commemorate Favre's return by un-retiring himself and getting behind the mic again to drool all over the object of his desire. Here is a classic demonstration of the Man Crush:

So I'm now offering up the anti-Dear John to John: ... come back. We love you. Brett needs you. You need each other. Here is one more clip just for grins and the good times:


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I can ever bear to hear that quarterback's name again.

kevers79 said...

He's baaaaaack!