Thursday, December 04, 2008

Pandora's Box of Metal

I must share the greatest butt-rock discovery of the 00's. Any poseurs who can't embrace the power of 80s metal should go get a can of Aqua-Net and spray their hair until they get the feeling. Or you could just go to:

You'll need to give totally bogus information to get an account, then create a station... To achieve candy-rock Nirvana, just type in "Winger." This is in honor of the first CD I ever bought. Don't even think of mocking me. Once you have created this station you will ascend the hights of the thunderous mount of heavy-metal power and know what it is to truly rock.

In honor of this discovery, I have added a Winger song to my playlist on the left for your enjoyment. I take no responsibility if you find yourself wanting to play an expoloding guitar with a drill, light money on fire and wear a full-body leather leopard suite. Long Live Metal.


Daniel said...

I wanna rock!! Dum da da dum, dum da da dum. I WANT TO . . . ROCK!

You should hit up Pandora's Christmas stations. Very gravine.

Fletch said...

Twisted Sister. There's one lead singer you wouldn't expect to be a born-again Christian, but what the heck? There are heavy metal churches all over.