Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Jimmer vs. #ThugMormon

Back in 2011 Jimmer Fredette was TORCHING the NCAA scene with his sick ability to shoot from anywhere on the court and get away with average speed on defense. In the midst of all the hype about Jimmer, one woman sought to complain in the Daily Universe (BYU student newspaper). Once people found out, they assaulted her Facebook wall with this epic thread which you must read:

My personal favorite section due to the partially-hydrogenated comment:

But has this been eclipsed by the #ThugMormon craze in the event of the BYU football team turning Catholic with two back-to-back Hail Mary victories?

The Daily Unifarce reported:
Just days before the BYU vs. Nebraska football game, Nebraskan on-air personality Mike Welch lashed out against BYU, labeling the football team with the hashtag #ThugMormon. The phrase was intended to highlight the hypocrisy of the BYU Honor Code and the player brawl that broke out during the Miami Beach Bowl on Dec. 14, 2014. Ironically, #ThugMormon took over the Twitter-sphere. It at one point became the No. 1 trending hashtag in the Salt Lake area but not for the reason Welch intended.
Here are some of my favorite tweets.

So which is the better social media event? I'm gonna side with #ThugMormon. Jimmer was fun, but he's basically done in terms of a meaningful pro career. Each and every one of us can and SHOULD continue the tradition of being ThugMormons. My moments since I don't do twitter:


fezik said...

Great post!

fezik said...

Great post!

Daniel said...

I loved the comparison and examples and am also impressed you garnered double reatness. I also relished the hating on partially hydrogenated oil comment: some memories are emblazoned in immortal Stone. I'm determined to take up your Elder Bednar-esque social media challenge and conjure up some awesome #ThugMormon post, soon.

Where did you score the awesome (fake?) Twitter tweets? I was unaware, although unsurprised, such magnificent technology exists.

In closing your horcrux, until we post again, I have one dying request, "let me live my own dreams in peace, even if they dont include ever sitting in the Marriott Center screaming my brains out."

Daniel said...

Whoops. *Double greatness. Left off the g, g!