Monday, December 01, 2014

Trailer Magic

This was too good to pass up. Perfect example of how George Lucas is his own worst enemy. First is the actual trailer for the next Star Wars. What follows is a fan made mock-up of how George Lucas would have made a "special edition" of the trailer.

 And now the glory!



Daniel said...

Nice. So true. I think we're at less than one year and counting. May Jar Jar be very far from this one . . .

By the way, what are your thoughts on the swiss army sith knife?

Fletch said...

I've heard that its not so much a cross guard as a secondary weapon for stabbing during a fight and may even be used as a gun? Apparently this guy is going to be one bad mother...

Light sabers don't seem to slide the way actual swords do, so I think its safe to say its not supposed to function as a cross guard. Plus, I think they are trying to get more a fantasy/LOTR feel to the Jedi to appeal to the rising generation. Who knows, but it will take a lot more than that to get me bummed out about this movie.

Daniel said...

Love the analysis.

So you're feeling the force awakening?