Monday, June 02, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past & Godzilla

I'm not super current on the summer movie season, but its time to weigh in on two that scored relatively well on the Tomatometer. Let's see...

X-Men Days of Future Past - 92%
How do you keep the never ending stream of super-hero films fresh? We've seen everything and everyone cut-up, punched and blown-up in almost every imaginable scenario. The future success of this film genre lies in finding some soul in the characters... give them a chance to reflect/change their past and see if they could do better if given the opportunity? Although it seems like every X-Men film is a defacto highlight reel of Hugh Jackman growling with 10,000 veins bursting out of his body; the soul of this story was Professor X. About time. I think he's an incredibly interesting character with powers/interests that go beyond simple comic book throw downs. His relationship with Eric (Magneto) has always been grey and complex and it was nice to see it get some more time in the limelight. Not sure this movie goes in my Pantheon, but I hope it sets a tone that others in H-wood will follow. I think the last Bond film (Skyfall) touched on some of these ideas as well. It doesn't make these movies the greatest things ever, but I don't feel like at 15-year old kid chewing on adolescent hormone steak.

I went in with low expectations. How many times can we re-hash a big lizard man fighting a gigantic moth conveniently in the middle of a major city to ensure maximum carnage? I liked the story, production values, etc. but I just couldn't get emotionally invested in the humans. I have the same issue with Transformers. The humans just seem pointless to focus on when they are insects on the stage and plot devices. And how the heck do you kill that super-hot French chick in the first 10 minutes? No wonder the French shun us. We all know cities will be leveled and somehow Godzilla will come out as king of the monsters. But like life, its all about the journey, not the destination. While it was cool to look at, it just didn't grip me or really entertain me that well. Pacific Rim on the other hand had the same predictable outcome, but the journey to get there with the fighting, etc. was simply more interesting to watch. At least the humans had a legitimate role to play in the film. I'd say this is a worthy rental sometime, but save your cash in the theater for something more original.

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