Monday, April 28, 2014

Facepalm Sunday

First of all, this has nothing to do with last minute shopping. Yesterday I took the kids to church and made it to the start of the Sacrament when a struggling CoCo decided to start telling the whole congregation to: "nooooOOOOOO!!! LET ME DOWN! LET ME GO!" So I took her out to the foyer so she could be loud. Many other Sundays I might try to read books, play games, look at paintings, etc. to get her to calm down. But she was on one; running around, turning the lamp and lights on and off, driving the rest of the people nuts. And I didn't have the energy to chase her down. All I could do was put the palm of my hand in my face and groan.

That is Facepalm Sunday. Here is my favorite Captain showing us all how its done.

That was me in the foyer. Then its off to Sunday School. The Gator won't go, starts pitching a fit in the sharing time room. I am a pathetic and horrible parent. Picard shows me the way again with more feeling.

Then a friend commiserates with me in the hallway as I try to figure out a way to handle the situation. 

 Finally, if you can't even get through the third hour...


Rooster said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post fletch.... Gracias.

Daniel said...

Nice. I have earned many palms in my days.