Thursday, May 30, 2013

JJ Abrams is SAURON

This morning I was in the shower day dreaming or more accurately fantasizing... about the next Star Wars movies. And then like all good showers or baths, I had an epiphany! How does one man become the central force behind the two greatest sci-fi franchises of all time?

Black Magic & The Illuminati

Most of you recall the story of Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. He desired to rule the world (or at least the middle part of it) and forged several mystical rings that would be given as gifts to power hungry men, little people and supermodels. Secretly, he made a master ring to control all of them and revealed his evil to the world as the most powerful being alive... until someone cut his finger off and he exploded.

JRR Tolkien was not writing about some fake history in LOTR. He was attempting to uncover the methods by which the Illuminati enslave the world. Tolkien was lucky and got away with it; since up until recently, Fantasy novels where largely mocked and shunned by society. Stanley Kubrick blew the lid off the Illuminati in Eyes Wide Shut and was shortly killed thereafter. He had reached staggering heights in the film arts, had been allowed into the inner circle and tried to expose them through his work and paid the price.

Abrams is the puppet master. Using black magic (or blackmail) from the bizarre rituals depicted in Eyes Wide Shut, JJ used  the power of his ring to enslave several influential producers in Hollywood. He then took control of Star Trek and made it AWESOME furthering his hypnotic spell over not just his Nazgul producers, but the whole of Geekdom. There was one lone hold-out who seemed to be immune to any kind of criticism, manipulation or advice... George Lucas. Abrams used his Nazgul to remove the power structure at Disney by forcing the production of John Carter (a staggering defeat) so he could place Bob Iger (AKA the Witch King) at the head of Disney, the most powerful and magical place on earth (also controlled by the Illuminati). The stage was set to pressure Lucas into giving up the franchise and inexplicably relinquishing his power. Now that Abrams has control of Star Wars his grip on sending messages to BILLIONS will be unmatched. One Ring to to rule them all... AND IN THE DARKNESS OF THEATERS ACROSS THE WORLD BIND THEM!!!

This is usually where I go off on a rant and beg you three readers to wake up and fight this sadistic blood cult that is preparing for the New World Order after the oceans are flooded from their global warming scheme. But today, I've taken the bait and can't wait for the next move by our friends at the Illuminati. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

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