This evening as I claimed my supper, I realized that my wife truly knows how to shake things up at the dinner table. Outside of her signature rotisserie chicken and salad combo, I never know what to expect. Open face Blue Cheese burgers with water cress or straight faced Lentil Soup. Prior to marriage, I used to wonder why they have all of those recipes at the back of magazines. Now I know it was all for her. And then I realized her signature move in the kitchen is not chicken and salad, its the back end of Real Simple.
"What I say is true - anyone can cook... but only the fearless can be great." - Chef Gusteau
Nearly everyone has a signature dish. My Mother had classics like Chicken Artichoke Casserole and Red Enchiladas, Dad had Cheese Souffle and I have cold cereal in an over sized bowl. I'd be happy to hear some of your favorites.
On a similar vein, should everyone have a signature scent? Until two months ago, the Boss thought all perfume smelled like grannies. But now I'm told she needs to establish her "signature scent." I don't know what it was called, but my mom definitely had one. My Dad had Lectric Shave and I have Swagger.
Baby don't change. Your signature move is to keeps it fresh by always mixing things up.
And yes, my signature move in Basketball is the ugly shot.
Love the jpg.
Indeed, "Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere."
My congrats on the eating experience.
As for myself, my signature move is the spicy chili Ramen noodles. Hadouken!!!
In our house its Honey Curry Chicken.... "Truly a sight to behold"
A trip down memory lane!
We still love the ladas!
But chicken tortilla soupa is a new favorata!
Love those south of the border spices!
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