Thursday, October 02, 2008


I've always enjoyed "West End Girls" by the Pet Shop Boys. As upbeat as the song is, and as much as they sing about "girls" neither of these themes seem to show up in the video...

I'm not surprised by any of this considering the "orientation" of the band, perhaps the two artists themselves are the "West End Girls." At first blush, this was a very boring video, but then I really enjoyed the stark contrast between the beat and female thing and what actually shows up visually. This could take the cake for the most uninspired performance in the history of music video, a generally wild genre.

Final thought: is it just me or does Tennant (singer) almost look like an LDS missionary? Thank you for allowing me to waste five minutes of your life.


Anonymous said...

I looked at the other videos after this one was over and all of them are awful!

Seth Jenson said...

by the way, i love to title pic on your blog. where in colorado is that?

Seth Jenson said...

if a missionary like that knocked on my door i would not let him in. hair is much too long and funky. :)