Friday, July 28, 2006

Superman Returns Symbolism

If you haven't seen the movie, this should not ruin anything for you. But I'd like to point out some good things I noticed. And NO, I won't be discussing this over the pulpit in a testimony meeting.

1. Overall, the film stresses a theme about following the teachings of your father. Even if your earthly father is someone you don't look up to, we hall have a Heavenly Father who has given us so much counsel that can help us through hard times. In the film when Supes is struggling, he thinks about his father's teachings and admonitions: serve, set an example, don't be upset because you are different, remember your heritage, become as I am. -- All great things we can remember.

2. When shafted by Lois, instead of going home to Bon-bons and listening to Metallica's "fade to black" Supes focuses on serving others, instead of wallowing in self-pity.

3. In order to re-gain his full strength, Supes flies up above the clouds and absorbs the rays of the sun. In similar fashion, when we rise above the world through prayer, scripture study, service, temple attendance, etc. We are filled with the light of God and given the strength we need to overcome our trials.

4. X-ray vision can be used in a moral way.

Feel free to comment on anything else you saw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading all your blog.
I don't think I understood the basketball part but I enjoyed the Superman thoughts.
I am looking forward to watching it with you and Lizzy this week.
I do enjoy your humor.
I LOVE you! Mom