Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just Get Over it Ma'am

Today we had the front lawn sprinklers fixed. During dinner, the sprinkler guy poked his head in the door to announce something and addressed the Boss as "Ma'am."
As she sat down, she looked at me incredulously and exclaimed:
So I said, "What? Did you want him to call you sexy?" 
But I had forgotten the ancient wisdom of Boromir when he opined:
[For once I actually created an image for my blog - Its that important]
Real Cougars agree, nothing is more insulting than to address a woman as "Ma'am" http://www.therealcougarwoman.com/2010/09/maam.html

But why? The Dictionary.com defines Ma'am as:
  1. madam ( woman of rank or authority, in charge of the house or a whorehouse ) .
  2. (in Britain) a term used in addressing the queen or a royal princess.
I see nothing here to get upset about: Queen? Princess? High rank and Authority? Domestic Engineer? At the least, you can take it as a sign of respect. 

All I get as a guy at best is Sir and usually Dude... DO YOU HEAR ME COMPLAINING?


Daniel said...

Hmm. I wonder how much it has to do with subconscious aversion to an association with the south.

As a related aside, would you prefer to be called dude or bro-man?

Love the Boromir meme, BTW.

Anonymous said...

DUDE. The guy saw a woman living in the suburbs with 4 kids a mini-van and a husband.

That = Ma'am

Daniel said...

Anon, if you really are "anonymous," rather than a certain someone . . . and if you're responding to me, I agree.

I was musing, initially, as to why the wife might recoil from being called ma'am.

Fletch said...

I asked the Boss and its not a southern issue (for her at least).

Non-intimate Alternatives?


Of course there are a number of sexist titles that could be used, but I won't get into that.

I would assume "Miss" is the most preferable. Why?

Who wants to be a "miss"ed field goal or opportunity? I don't see how that's any better.


Maybe they just want to feel important, noticed and adored so they expect people to remember their names and say it like Prince Charming.

My next pointless exposition will be on shunning the title of "Sister" at church.

Daniel said...

Nice. I look forward to the exposition.

So, what's your answer to my question for you?

Fletch said...

I think Dude.

Bro-man is too close to "Bromance" for me.

Daniel said...

I can dig it.

I would go for bro-miden, if I could avoid the inexorable connection to the current vice president . . .

Rooster said...

I call mine Sexy ma'am all the time... and she likes it.

Fletch said...

Yes, but do you say it in the old English like "muam"?