Thursday, September 12, 2013


I'll admit, I was really starting to get sad about the HP universe dying. No more books, movies, etc. I'm a balding middle-aged man, but went giddy like a school girl over the following:

Is she going to make a bazillion pounds off this? YES. And I love it! 

I've said it before, if they made a full-on theme park out of HP, I'd be more than happy to visit every 5-10 years. 

Now, let's light a bucket of chicken on fire and pray that the Ghost of the Phantom Menace stays Far Far Away from this production.  


Rooster said...

Lets hope it was nothing like the casual vacancy. We only got part way into that one. Flushed that money down the drain. Still trying to recover and fully get back on the bandwagon.

Daniel said...

So, what is this going to be about?

Fletch said...


Check this. Nothing offical, but some ideas.

Daniel said...

Hmm. I still have my doubts about plot engagement . . .