Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sports E.D.

Sunday. February 2, 2014.

The snap... safety. I can't even recall the rest of the details.

Halftime. I go upstairs to do dishes.

Screaming (not in a good way).

I don't return.

Game over. Humiliation. Shame. Vomiting.

Can't listen to sports radio or watch ESPN for days afterwards... its all too painful.

Days stretch into weeks.

Week stretch into months.

NBA playoffs come around... can't watch a full game or even a 4th quarter. No hockey, no MLB. Nothing holds my interest. Finals pass and I still can't watch for more than 10 minutes.


Its all become clear. I have sports E.D. Anyone over the age of 20 knows what my acronym stands for. I simply can't get interested or excited by something I used to love. Maybe sports is in one tub and I'm in the other?

I even tried buying a shirt related to my team but I can't put it on. How do I get the passion back?

I honestly have no idea and beyond whining on my last decade lame blog, I don't care.

Perhaps I just need another 50-14 blow out or:


Daniel said...
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Daniel said...

I hope you've recovered, by now. At least the Broncos have made headlines by being one of the most self-defeating Super Bowl teams. Ever.